CYLAD has developed a broad expertise on the operational aspects of all phases of a M&A deal:
With our end-to-end value proposition our teams contribute to leveraging the expected synergies of a transaction by bringing hands-on operational insights, as well as homogeneous, consistent support along all the phases of a deal from end-to-end. CYLAD approach enables an efficient communication between all stakeholders involved in the deal: top management, operational teams, M&A team, legal firms, and investment bankers.
...since we bring operational & financial insight to all project stakeholders
We have experience with the many factors that can bring complexity into a deal, and we monitor these to deliver a smooth Post-Merger Integration
We provide homogeneous and consistent support from the due diligence to the Post-Merger Integration
We support the negotiation of ancillary agreements
We monitor execution as much as deal covenants
CYLAD nomme Romain Bertin en tant que Directeur Associé en Australie
CYLAD signe un partenariat stratégique avec akawan sur l'Intelligence Artificielle
CYLAD publie son rapport RSE 2023/2024
CYLAD récompensé "meilleur cabinet de conseil en management au monde" 2024