
Success story | Re-baselining for a UAV development program



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Re-baselining for a UAV development program



Our client was preparing a program launch for a military aircraft while the program is undergoing a reorganization. Program ramp-up is in progress – however, planning maturity is low, project integration limited, synchronization at program milestones insufficient and the margins weak. Program governance as well as the time management plan required a more rigorous approach.



Schedule and governance issues were addressed through:

  • Restructuring of program schedules and underlying projects according to a ‘Route-to’ logic, as well as enforcement of synchronization points to manage interdependencies
  • Integration of major subcontractors in the baseline planning and definition of a joint convergence plan for project ramp-up and milestone delivery
  • Re-definition of detailed (level 4) schedules and consolidation into a master program
  • Definition of guidelines and rules for the deployment of the scheduling tool
  • Definition of a pre-program launch governance including steering cycles and KPI monitoring (S-curves and deliverables backlog management)
  • Structuring the ramp-up management plans for engineering and production



  • New schedule and critical path analysis
  • Schedule deployment & management
  • Pre-launch program governance
  • Engineering and production ramp-up management

