
Digital & IT function transformation

Going digital has been mandatory for industrial companies for several years now. Most of them have initiated their transformation, with various levels of ambition: from efficiency improvements to full business model transformation.
At CYLAD, we aim to take you to the next level, making the most of technologies to strengthen your competitive advantage and foster growth.  

Our approach is structured around a robust end-to-end transformation platform covering both technological and operating model dimensions (processes, people, organization). We help you define a vision, implement new business models, build the associated capabilities, and foster buy-in for the transformation.

Whatever your maturity and the scale of your transformation, we can help you seize new opportunities and create more value from digital.

What we offer


Based on the many projects conducted with our clients, we have built strong convictions on the key dimensions to address during a digital transformation. We help you tackle 4 drivers to ensure your digital transformation journey leads to concrete results:

1 – Understand the target ecosystem of the digital transformation

The Ecosystem represents the overarching story of digital transformation. Understanding it fuels the digital vision and strategy, determines the path for collaboration or acquisitions, and lays the ground for new business models.

2 – Think customer centricity before technology

Customer Centricity is the driving pulse to deploy innovative technologies, meet customer needs and enhance the value to be delivered. It applies to both internal and external customers.

3 – See digital technology as an enabler for operations & processes

Operations & Process performance improves competitiveness through efficiency, flexibility, and speed. On this journey, digital technologies enable continuous improvement as well as disruptive changes.

They ensure new quality levels and accelerate the pace of innovation as well as development.

4 – Regard people as the central driving force of digital transformation

People are the drivers of the digital transformation. The employees, partners, and customers’ trust, capabilities, engagement, and purpose are key to overcoming resistance and transforming sustainably.

IT function transformation

IT Transformation is a must to enable Corporate Digital Transformation. As technology evolution dramatically reshapes the business landscape, companies must reinvent IT to be at the forefront of digitalization.

The role of the CIO is evolving from technology expert to business strategist, and they face numerous challenges such as delivering value to the Business, supporting corporate objectives through adapted IT master plans, and managing risks, security, and compliance. IT departments must be turned into a driving force for the company, as the cornerstone between digital acceleration and enhanced business practices.


IT Value governance
Optimizing value for money by focusing investments on projects that support company’s corporate strategy  


Financial Performance
Optimizing IT projects and run costs to maximize investment capacities for new IT


IT project Management
Mastering IT delivery to unlock expected business value


IT master plan & innovation
Liaising IT master plan to corporate strategy and build on most innovative Digital

Our assets

Your partner for digital transformation
Our neutrality vs. “classical” IT suppliers, our deep knowledge of both IT landscape and business processes, our extended track record in IT transformations in various contexts and sizes make us your valued partner to drive your digital transformation and transform your IT functions.

Client cases

Support Functions Merger in Aeronautics

Setup of a project platform in Aeronautics

Development of an Information Management platform

Support transformation resulting from a merge of IS, process & digital departments

Implementing a Program Management improvement plan at an aerostructure Tier 1 supplier

Transformation of a medical device manufacturer’s global footprint

Framing and steering the merge of support activities in an Aerospace group to achieve measurable convergence impact against the initial target.


A merge of support functions from several subsidiaries of a European Aerospace Group.

Through the merger of support functions, a European leader in Aerospace expects to reach a harmonized way of working and convergence savings – both social and financial. This requires a structured Transformation Platform and approach, to coordinate local convergence initiatives as well as follow-up of social plan in collaboration with European unions.


Structuring and standardizing the Transformation approach to build a robust baseline and contribute immediate value.

The project team took the approach of securing a baseline headcount among the functions, defining new controlling mechanisms, and implementing savings tracking per function. Throughout the engagement, the team provided project steering by supporting the project leadership in progress monitoring and supporting work package leaders on driving content. Underlining the approach was the requirement to strengthen and secure all financial aspects of the operation.


Cumulative savings of more than 300M€ was achieved via the initiatives launched by the project team.

Achievement of a successful merger was a factor of on-time completion, union validation of the social plan, and initiatives launched in accordance with expected savings. The project team was able to deliver an on-time merger including a validation of the social process from the union. Furthermore the team realized the expected level of savings, totaling more than 300M€.

Harmonizing and streamlining Quality activities of a global Aerospace company to reach efficiency improvements.


Organizational change leading to merged Quality functions.

In the context of ambitious Transformation targets including significant savings expectations, a decision was taken to set up an improvement project platform for the Quality department of a global Aerospace company. The objective of the project was to ensure the merge of all Quality activities and reach convergence savings as expected. The result of the Quality merger resulted in a workforce of ~3500 FTEs as well as ~400 temporary workers and subcontractors.


Supporting the project team along all phases of the process.

The CYLAD implementation team took the approach of screening current best practices for the use of processes and tools. Following this, the team defined the deployment of the platform’s operating model in line with all stakeholders. The subsequent design and production of reporting towards the Quality community and top management was critical to inform on impact, progress and achievements. Ensuring the successful deployment depended on the change management approach towards project leaders & operational teams.


Realization of 10% cost savings target and the achievement of project acceleration.

A total of 20 individual projects were selected for participation in the merger project. All quality project stakeholders converged under one common platform and the projects were accelerated. The project team achieved a combined total cost savings of 10% on all Quality sub-contracting costs.

Transforming Information Management as a strategic asset to enable an Aerospace leader to become digitally-powered.


Embarking on an initiative to launch of a platform tackling all fields of Digital Transformation.

To tackle challenges including productivity, risk and high costs, our client sought to launch a Digital Transformation with focus on Information Management (IM). The project team faced four objectives for the IM Transformation: Boost productivity, De-risk operations, Strengthen Innovation, and Control Cost. Application of the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) Methodology was a key input from the CYLAD team to structure the Transformation, and lead to adapted ways of working.


Performing a value assessment to support the set up of an IM Transformation.

To materialize expected savings, both qualitative and quantitative, as well as launch the Change Management among impacted stakeholders, the project team adopted a “Value for Money” approach, fully compliant with SaFe methodology. Clarifying the Value brought by IM to its customer was a cornerstone of the project and allowed the team to secure stakeholder buy-in and the commitment of impacted teams, despite the challenging context.


Transformation Platform set-up and running for efficient delivery.

Through SaFe methodology, the CYLAD team involved more than 100 people to embark on the Transformation journey to realize Agile routing. A new Business Case for the IM project was designed and deployed, highlighting Value as the key driver for prioritization. The speed of the Digital Transformation was measured through a limited set of KPIs indicating the created Value.

Defining the vision and set-up and steering the transformation platform for a new IS & digital organization of a client operating in the Pharma & Healthcare industry.


Merge of the Digital, Organization and Process department with the IT systems department.

The IT systems department faced a merger with the Digital, Organization and Processes department, consisting of 200 employees. The new global entity needed to define its overall strategic vision and key objectives to cascade it to the operational teams. The organization further targeted to set-up a transformation platform to manage identified performance improvement projects.


Formalizing the transformation objectives to create a shared vision and generate buy-in from operations, leading to 20 improvement projects consolidated in a transformation platform.

The CYLAD team analyzed the needs, stakes and pain points of the departments to define the strategic vision of the new entity and the future commitments to internal clients.

In order to quickly implement the changes, a transformation roadmap consolidating 20 improvement projects structured around 5 axes (service offers, risks, performance & agility, operations master plan, and change management) was set-up and managed in close cooperation with the client core-team leaders.

A kick off event was held for 200 participants to ensure sufficient onboarding and buy-in of the teams.


Delivery of a strategic vision and transformation plan with a 100% success rate and full confidence of the operational teams.

A post-kick-off survey reported that 97% of the new entity population was confident in the new strategic vision and the associated transformation plan. After the kick-off event, 100% of the projects were successfully launched involving nearly 50% of the new entity teams. Six months after the CYLAD team’s departure, the transformation projects are still running successfully, lead by the operational teams and delivering in accordance with the original targets.

Roll out of a new program-oriented organization and its associated Program Management practices.


Required adjustments in the program organization way of working.

A Transformation of the Program organization was required in order to coordinate the development & production activities, secure the cross-functional coordination, and foster anticipation. The transformation would require a switch from a function-based to a deliverable-based organization.


Developing an Improvement Plan to transform the business into a program-driven organization.

After performing a comprehensive diagnostic, several levers were identified to transform the organization into a program-driven environment. The project tackled organizational aspects (redistribution of roles & responsibilities, creation of new roles), program processes (governance and management routines) as well as tools (planning, KPIs). A dedicated change plan, including coaching, was defined to support the teams in the deployment of the new ways of working.


Improved coordination between functions and activities leading to better performance and team engagement.

The new ways of working deployed were beneficial on several fronts. Activities and planning were brought under control and the coordination between functions significantly improved, thus securing that the work package was delivered on time. At the same time, the middle management levels introduced by the new organization fostered delegation and improved the “team spirit”.

Centralization of service capacities by redefining the landscape with focus on a “factory-style” operation and cost optimization.


The global landscape and value chain indicates significant optimization potential to improve customer satisfaction and the overall cost structure.

As a leading OEM of medical equipment, the client faced mounting customer demand for improved service lead times. A variety of factors called for a complete transformation of the service landscape: a wide spread of multiple service facilities in Europe, a low level of standardization in the service process, an inefficient supply chain, and a lack of scale effects for the large service volume.


Transforming the European service operations through an entirely restructured supply chain and new process flow to position the organization for future success.

Our team drew upon extensive expertise in global transformations to build a comprehensive transformational program consisting of a fresh business case, process re-definition, restructuring of the complete supply chain, and re-sizing of the future operations. The roll out was structured in a rapid, yet staged manner beginning with smaller, less complex pilots to test the approach. After the initial learnings were integrated, the approach was scaled for the full roll out.


Impressive scale effects translated to a 10% efficiency gain resulting in a higher margin and shorter lead times.

Following the transformation of the European service operations, a 10% efficiency gain and an improved EBIT margin were realized in the overall process. This translated into tangible results for the end customer who experienced shorter lead times.


Marie Decroix

Partner / France


Dr. Thomas Trautmann

Partner / Germany


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