

CSR Evaluation

We are pleased to be certified by EcoVadis, the independent rating agency for Corporate Social Responsibility performance


CYLAD Germany is expanding! CYLAD Germany is expanding! To support CYLAD Germany growth, we are very delighted to welcome and introduce 5 new members of our German consulting team.


CYLAD Australia team is growing!


CYLAD Consulting appoints Marie Decroix as Partner in the Toulouse office

CYLAD Canada

In Canada, CYLAD Consulting supports companies in their external growth, transformation and cost optimisation.

New award!

New Award Label – Best Strategy & Management Consultancy 2020

Tutorial session

Digital Transformation: 10 Key Essentials for your Board

Point of view

Optimization of sales and tendering set up in the EPC industry

CSR Initiatives

CYLAD Teams participated to the #worldcleanupday2020

CSR InitiativesDémarche RSE

CYLAD announces its participation in the United Nations Global Compact France program

New brand!

CYLAD Consulting pursues its growth with the acquisition of a leading Swiss senior expert organization and increases its portfolio via the opening of a new branch of Interim Management offerings

CYLAD FoundationFondation CYLAD

Bertrand Parmentier joins CYLAD’s Corporate Foundation as Chairman

Point of view

Project Management in remote mode : How to capitalize on the covid-19 crisis to digitalize your Project Management office?

Point de vuePoint of view

COVID-19 : The supply-chain function on the front line

Point de vuePoint of view

Corporate Real Estate Management during the COVID-19 crisis and beyond


CYLAD Australia scales up to support
the Defence industry, Energy and Infrastructure