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Success story | Improved P&L management with data analytics for a helicopter manufacturer



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Olivier Paget

Partner / France


Improved P&L management with data analytics for a helicopter manufacturer



With purchasing accounting for ~70% of recurring costs base, important efforts were requested from Programs to boost their competitiveness and secure their P&L. With more and more data to be analyzed and limited resources, our client needed support to develop automatized financial analyses to focus on key business drivers and improve P&L.



To focus on priorities and improve its business impact:

  • We developed an analytic tool based on the client’s database and shared assumptions, enabling the identification of key business
  • opportunities
  • We trained the client’s teams to leverage analyses available in the dashboard
  • We defined a “standard action catalog” to support deep-dive and root causes identification



  • Validated business assumptions: Shared controlling business rules to ensure data quality and alignment of stakeholders
  • Integrated controlling analytic tool: Analytics to enable new analysis/service and improve the efficiency of controllers
  • Operational buy costs synthesis: Top costs deviations, opportunities areas, identified risks & Opportunities with related impact on P&L



  • -70% of workload related to operational data management
  • 1 shared truth for baseline and hypotheses
  • 100% capability to focus resources on topics with a major P&L impact


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